Payment Options

You can pay your invoice using one of the following methods:


  1. Interac e-Transfer: Send funds to Please ensure to provide the invoice number and password details to
  2. Electronic Fund Transfer: Send requests for banking details to with subject line “Request for EFT details” or contact Sachini Withanage at 416-646-4647
  3. Credit Card via telephone (Visa or Mastercard only):
    Contact Sachini Withanage at 416-646-4647
  4. PayPal: We accept all major credit cards through the PayPal portal. To begin, please enter the information required in the fields below:

Accepted credit cards:

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover cards

You can provide the firm with funds to be held in trust using one of the following methods:


  1. Interac e-Transfer: Send funds to Please ensure to state your name, file matter number and password details to
  2. Credit Card via telephone (Visa or Mastercard only): Contact Sachini Withanage at 416-646-4647
Our Expertise

Defamation, Libel and Slander

We have extensive experience with defamation law, a complex area of the law that has shifted dramatically as a result of new communications technologies.

We bring a nuanced, sensible approach to libel and slander cases, including an understanding of the role of media strategies and pre-publication review, as well as litigation strategies, as required. We regularly act for both plaintiffs and defendants, including politicians, professionals, corporations, charities, not-for-profit organizations and media organizations, among others.

Representative Work

  • Oliveira v. Oliveira, 2019 ONSC 4400; defendant found liable for defamation damages, and a permanent injunction issued.

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Our Expertise

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Defamation, Libel and Slander Lawsuits