Employment Law
We regularly act for both employees and employers, applying the wealth of experience that our lawyers have developed over the last 50 years.
Our work covers all aspects of the employment relationship, including contracts, workplace investigations, constructive dismissal, termination with and without cause, non-competition or non-solicitation agreements, shareholder disputes with an employment element, issues related to the Ontario Human Rights Code, and more.
Representative Work
Dan Rosenbluth successfully moved to strike portions of a statement of claim referencing settlement-privileged communications. The decision is one of the few precedents of its kind in Ontario law.
Welling v. Doug & Partners Inc. 2021 ONSC 5064 -
On September 25, 2019 Richard Stephenson argued the appeal of R. v. Nugent in the Ontario Court of Appeal. The case is a Crown appeal of a stay issued by the Ontario Court of Justice (upheld on appeal in the Ontario Superior Court) because of a violation of s. 11(b) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of a prosecution of three employees under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. The case is a leading authority of the decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in R. v. Jordan in the context of Occupational Health and Safety prosecutions in Ontario.
Chris Paliare and Richard Stephenson acted successfully for Tom Mason in the Ontario Court of Appeal in Mason v. Chem-Trend, 2011 ONCA 344. The case is now a leading Canadian authority on the (non) enforceability of restrictive covenants in employment agreements.
Chris Paliare, Richard Stephenson and Susan Brown argued successfully before the Ontario Divisional Court in Weisz v. Four Seasons Holdings Inc., 2010 ONSC 4456 that an arbitration provision stipulating that the decision of an arbitrator will be final and binding precludes an appeal of the arbitrator’s decision.
Chris Paliare and Andrew Lewis investigated allegations of unauthorized access to player emails by senior executives of the National Hockey League Players Association, and provided advice to the Executive Board of the Players Association respecting the executives’ employment.