Judicial Inquiries and Inquests
We have played a prominent role in many high-profile public inquiries, either representing a party, or as counsel to the commissioner conducting the inquiry.
These include the Red Hill Valley Parkway Inquiry, the Ottawa LRT Inquiry, the Walkerton Inquiry, the Ipperwash Inquiry, the Inquiry into Pediatric Forensic Pathology in Ontario, the Toronto Computer Leasing Inquiry and the Toronto External Contracts Inquiry, and the Mississauga Judicial Inquiry.
Representative Work
Inquiry Counsel to The Honourable Mr. Justice Herman J. Wilton-Siegel who was appointed Commissioner of the City of Hamilton’s Red Hill Valley Parkway Inquiry in May 2019.
Linda Rothstein and Denise Cooney represented the College of Nurses of Ontario in The Long-Term Care Homes Public Inquiry, ordered as a result of Elizabeth Wettlaufer’s conviction of eight counts of first degree murder, four counts of attempted murder and two counts of aggravated assault, offences she committed while working as a registered nurse in Long-Term Care Homes.
Chris Paliare, Linda Rothstein and Karen Jones represented the College of Chiropractors of Ontario in the coroner’s inquest into the death of Lana Dale Lewis.
Linda Rothstein and Jean-Claude Killey represented a developer at the Mississauga Judicial Inquiry, which inquired into a failed agreement between private parties to purchase land in Mississauga’s City Centre for the purpose of building a luxury hotel and conference centre, the subsequent purchase of the same land by the City of Mississauga for the purpose of constructing a Sheridan College campus, and the relationship of Mayor Hazel McCallion to the various parties involved.
Ian Roland, Don Eady and Rob Centa represented OPSEU and certain of its members at the Walkerton Inquiry.