Paliare Roland is proud to support Megan Shortreed for Bencher in the 2023 election, along with the entire Bencher Good Governance Coalition. We believe competent, representative leaders can bring common sense, thoughtful debate, and decorum back to Convocation.
We know Megan to be thoughtful, balanced and compassionate. Her clients know her to be intelligent, hard-working and practical. Young lawyers know her as a dedicated mentor, teacher and champion of fairness. As proven in her last four years of service to the Law Society, she digs in, comes prepared, examines issues from different perspectives, and is known for her common sense and good judgment. She is a leading expert on the regulation of the professions, and understands the Law Society’s public interest mandate better than most.
This is an important election – the future of self-regulation is at stake. The Good Governance Coalition’s values and strong leadership are needed to properly regulate our profession in the public interest. We encourage you to support the experienced, representative leaders of the Coalition. Being a Bencher is serious work for serious people – Megan is just the kind of Bencher Convocation needs.
Help us support Megan and the Good Governance Coalition by voting for all 40 members of the Coalition. Voting is between April 19 and April 28, 2023.
For information about Megan Shortreed: click here
For information on the Bencher Good Governance Coalition Team: click here
For voting information: click here
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